Friday, February 18, 2011

Date on your BB2

BB2 uses date from the server time stamp. On a traditional BB2 server the date is normally set by typing
#date -s "hh:mm:ss dd:mm:yyyy"

Also bear in mind Time Zones so to correct this on ubuntu type
#dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

This will allow you to correct the time zone of your bb2 server

Also have a look at your bb2_config.php file in the engine/conf/ direcorty you can control your date by time zone using php time zones.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Prevent Bots from searching your Portal DATA

Because bb2 is web based the chances of a web boot (like google) caching some data files stored in your portal directory is very likely. In order to bypass your core data been available to the world add the following the the route of your web_folder in this case we will assume bb2 is installed in
Within the the /var/www directory add the following to the .htaccess file

IndexIgnore *

This file needs to be saved now. Once saved your subdirectories will no longer be brows eable to the world.