Monday, April 11, 2011


Hardware raid on linux seems to have its moments. I spent 2 days fighting a raid card and eventually wrote it off. I have been running 90% of my servers on software raid1. This has proven very stable and reliable.

What I quiet enjoy is using reiserfs filesystem it seems to handle power outages as well with very little failure.

Some tips on Software raid

I always use raid 1.
I set the raid subset to boot in degraded mode (great when you can not access the console).
I set the swap and raid size exactly the same on both drives.

Weekly check the control using cat /proc/mdstat ;-)

When choosing software raid on Ubuntu use the alternative disk it is easier to configure at install level.

When you prompted for the guided partition

Setup manual partition
Follow this useful link.

Chat latter while I complete this server install :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Backup Your Blue Box2 by Shell and store data remotely

Hi Geeks

Tooday I will share a simple shell backup script. The purpose of this backup script is to enable you to backup your server data quickly without doing much. You can then FTP your www and Mysql database to a remote server.

I have chosen to download my backup my data to my local linux server. the local path is /backup

So firstly create a local store
#mkdir /backup
Now Create the backup script in the global bin directory
#cd /usr/local/bin
#vi backup
Add the backup script below and edit the variables to suit your server
Save the file. Set the permissions to be executed you can run a 777 should you wish then finally test it.
Before testing if you opted for FTP remote transfer enable ncftpd
#apt-get install ncftpd

Happy Backups

Simply edit your choices.
## ##
## Backup Procedure Start ##
## ##
DATESTAMP="`date '+%a%H'`"
DATEMKDIR="`date '+%A'`"
NOW=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y") # mm-dd-yyyy format
#* MySQL login user name *#
#* MySQL login PASSWORD name *#
#* MySQL login HOST name *#
#* System binaries *#
MYSQL="$(which mysql)"
MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)"
GZIP="$(which gzip)"
TAR="$(which tar)"
FTP="$(which ftp)"
ZIP="$(which zip)"
#*FTP Transfer Optional
### FTP server Setup ###
NCFTP="$(which ncftpput)"

# #
#Starting Backup System - Backup creates folders for the DAY #
# I.E. \\server\backup\DAY Of The Week (Tuesday) #
#** Clean Up Load Files
/bin/rm $BAK/$DATEMKDIR/*
/bin/echo "Old data cleaned up" >> $LOG
/bin/echo "Database Backup Time Started" >> $LOG
/bin/date >> $LOG
###Mysql backup All databases

/bin/echo "Database Backup Time Completed" >> $LOG
/bin/date >> /tmp/log.txt
/bin/mkdir $BAK/$DATEMKDIR

#* Start Backup Mysql
# get all database listing
#DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS -Bse 'show databases')"
DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -Bse 'show databases')"

# start to dump database one by one
for db in $DBS
# gzip compression for each backup file
/bin/echo "Database Backup Time Completed" >> $LOG
/bin/date >> /tmp/log.txt

#*Code Base Backup

$TAR zcvf $BAK/$DATEMKDIR/www.tgz $CODE

###ETC System Backup
$TAR zcvf $BAK/$DATEMKDIR/etc.tgz /etc

#### FTP Dump
cd $BAK
### Dump backup using FTP ###
#Start FTP backup using ncftp
ncftp -u"$FTPU" -p"$FTPP" $FTPS<
mkdir $FTPD
mkdir $FTPD/$NOW
mput *

/bin/cat $LOG | mail -s $CLIENTMSG $EMAIL